we are a community who are committed to living and learning together.


Sunday mornings are for everyone!

Rather than having a separate programme in our Sunday services for children and youth, they remain in church with the rest of the community. we need them with us and we benefit from their presence.

We are committed to bringing together, in meaningful, life-giving ways, people of all ages, personality, interests, culture, ability, etc. We want to resist any predominant category in which we view people, like age, and instead learn to celebrate the many facets of being human.

One way we are doing this is by providing a ‘Working the Word’ space in church which offers a range of resources and materials to help people engage with the Bible in more hands-on, multisensory ways. This is for everyone: children, youth and adults.


positive peer communities

We recognise that connecting specifically with others of your own age is also necessary for healthy living.

There are regular opportunities for our children and youth to meet together after church on a Sunday, along with one or two adults, for fun and fellowship.

We run Space during the week for parents/caregivers and their young children.

You can view other upcoming events and gatherings for children and youth at the top of this page, or send us an inquiry by filling out this form…




Tuesday 28th May, 7-9pm.

Screens are risky and can get pre-teens into real trouble when used unsafely.   Come along to hear consultant Adrienne Wood speak on the importance of helping our rangatahi manage the digital world right from when they get that first phone in their hands.

For more information please look on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/events/834073585153125/?ref=newsfeed